Invest For Change


Gold Growth Mastermind

7 Powerful Ways to Mold Children into Leaders

Dr. Travis Bradberry We all want our children to become leaders. Hear me out. Whether they spend the bulk of their days in the mailroom or the corner office, we want our children to grow to be courageous, passionate, and authentic. We want their actions to inspire...

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8 Ways Cutthroat Work Cultures Suck the Life Out of You

Dr. Travis Bradberry Far too many managers believe that a cutthroat pressure-cooker culture gets results. They think that the harder they crack that whip, the better people will perform. Cutthroat business culture is so prevalent that it’s a cliché in our society,...

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10 Things Great Leaders Do To Confront A Crisis

Dr. Travis Bradberry Conviction in a leader is an incredibly valuable yet increasingly rare trait. It's in short supply because our brains are wired to overreact to uncertainty with fear. As uncertainty increases, the brain shifts control over to the limbic system,...

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Ten Uncomfortable Deeds That Will Pay Off Forever

Dr. Travis Bradberry T.S. Eliot was clearly onto something when he asked, “If you aren’t in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?” The very act of stepping outside of your comfort zone is critical to your success and well-being. Our brains are wired such...

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11 Habits of Ridiculously Likeable People

Dr. Travis Bradberry Too many people succumb to the mistaken belief that being likeable comes from natural, unteachable traits that belong only to a lucky few—the good looking, the fiercely social, and the incredibly talented. It’s easy to fall prey to this...

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Emotional Intelligence: Your Career and Health Depend Upon It

Dr. Travis Bradberry There is a time in the life of every predicament where it is ripe for resolution. Emotions provide the cue to act when a problem is big enough to see, yet still small enough to solve. By understanding your emotions, you can move adeptly through...

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What Others Crave from You as a Leader

Joe Boyd Way back in 2019, I got to hang out with Oprah. Technically it was Oprah, me and 10,000 other people listening to her do a keynote at the Qualtrics conference in Salt Lake City. But I could tell she really would have preferred to be just talking to me....

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8 Habits of Incredibly Interesting People

Dr. Travis Bradberry Interesting people have a special magnetism. They tell incredible stories and lead unusual lives. But what exactly makes them so captivating? They’re curious more than anything else. An interesting person is always excited to explore the world,...

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John Maxwell on Transformation

The key to transformation is changing the way we think!  And this is a daily pursuit. Maxwell says transformation comes in six stages: When you change your thinking, you change your beliefs.When you change your beliefs, you...

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Gold Growth Mastermind

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Hainburg an der Donau, Austria
